New World fast travel - How to fast travel in New World and how Recall to Inn works

New World fast travel is the best way to get around the vastness of Aeternum, but it comes at a price.

That’s literal, since you’ll spend precious resources to get around, and also metaphorical. New World fast travel has some important caveats in how it functions.

New World fast travel - How to fast travel in New World

The first type of fast travel transports you to any settlement you’ve already visited. The catch is twofold, though. It costs Azoth, and the Azoth cost increases the further you travel. While there’s plenty of the blue stuff to go around on the island, you’ll still want to save some Azoth for crafting and skills.

The second issue is you have to actually be in a settlement before you can fast travel to another settlement. Aeterunum’s setup means you’re never too far from another settlement, though you can’t fast travel back to it or anywhere else.

Once you’ve arrived at a settlement, open your map and find your destination. The fast travel option should appear when you click on the settlement marker.

New World fast travel - Recall to Inn

The second option is more limited, but potentially more useful depending on your situation. Recall to Inn transports you back to the Inn you’re registered at, regardless of where you are at the time.

New World only lets you register yourself with one Inn at a time, and there’s a one-hour cooldown timer between Recall to Inn uses. Keep track of which Inn you last registered with if you plan on using this feature often.

Once you’re ready to recall, just open your map, and select the Inn you’re registered with.

If you're still getting your bearings in New World, our best build and best weapons guides should help ease you into your Aeternum adventure.

With travel no longer a barrier, you're free to collect plenty of items without running across the island. We've also got details on how to find rare items such as Petalcap Briar Branches, Aged Wood and the Churro Sheep.
