The Last Guardian walkthrough: complete visual guide, all puzzles solved, Trico commands, more

Solve all the puzzles and the mystery behind this unique platform adventure with our complete visual walkthrough.

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The Last Guardian is an adventure game with an alternative approach to action, where you rely on you partner to tackle obstacles and defeat enemies. It just so happens that you partner is a giant cat-bird-dragon thing that can only understand simple commands.

We've put together a complete visual guide to the game, and split it into bite size chapters should you get stuck and need some assistance. And while we're here, how about some general advice and tips to help.

Note: although this is a walkthrough, we are careful not to discuss cutscenes and avoid spoilers unless absolutely neccesary, so you can still discover the story for yourselves.

General tips & Secrets

  • You can unlock secret outfits, including those from Shadow of the Colossus and Ico.
  • Not sure which direction to go, or where you should head next? Observe where Trico and the boy are looking. They will usually gaze in the general direction of your next step, whether that's at a particular puzzle or location.
  • When you are caught and picked by the guards, mash the face buttons and d-pad and they'll drop you. If they carry you all the way to the blue doors it's game over.
  • You can use commands on Trico after a certain point in the game. They are:
  • R1 + X = come here / get on hind legs
  • R1 + Square = attack
  • R1 + Circle + direction = go that way
  • R1 + Triangle = jump
  • Sometimes you'll just need to calm Trico down before it will move forward. Climb on its back and pet it with the circle button around the neck and back and it will sit down and calm down.
  • If Trico's eyes are glowing, there's a problem. Is it hungry? Then you'll need to find and feed it the glowing barrels. Is it angry? Calm it down. Scared? Go ahead on your own and remove whatever the obstacle is that's causing the tension.
  • After any fights with the guards, check Trico for spears. If it's wounded, climb up and pull the spears loose.
  • There really is only one direction you can go in during the game, despite it looking vast and complicated. There are a few dead ends, but nothing that will take you too far off course.

The Last Guardian complete walkthrough

  • Part 1: heal Trico, free Trico from chains, use the mirror and escape the cave
  • Part 2: through the first chamber, trapped Trico, mineshaft and into the forest
  • Part 3: the blue cage, the bridge and the suits of armour
  • Part 4: how to close the blue smoking pot
  • Part 5: free Trico’s tail, fight past the guards
  • Part 6: teach Trico commands, cross the broken stone bridge, rotating guards
  • Part 7: the blue pot puzzle, how to get pass the stained-glass eyes
  • Part 8: how to get across the collapsing bridge
  • Part 9: destroy the wind chime glass eyes
  • Part 10: Climb the spiral staircases, destroy the glass eyes, the leap of faith
  • Part 11: how get out of the tree, how to escape the water cave
  • Part 12: the cart catapult, how to get Trico to swim, solve all water puzzles
  • Part 13: the pulsing lifts, attack of the beast, how to get out of the cage
  • Part 14: escape the mineshaft, the army of guards, fighting the beast
  • Part 15: how to get to the blue tower, how to use the ice lift
  • Part 16: the master of the valley puzzle, the final battle

The walkthrough is split into 16 digestible stages, all of which have clear beginnings and endings.

Let us know in the comments if you spot something we didn't, and enjoy.
