Dark Souls 3 boss: how to beat Vordt of the Boreal Valley

It's your first actual proper really truly Dark Souls 3 boss. Do not shit your pants.


Now it’s time to make a run on a boss - a real boss - so spend up your spare souls, level up any equipment you fancy, and gird your loins. The easiest way to reach your foe is from the High Wall of Lothric bonfire. Kill or sneak by the crossbowman, two dogs, two tall guys and grunt, and take the elevator down. Battle or run past the grunt and pack of grunts, then the crossbowman and grunt beyond.

We need to go down the stairs and through the doors at the bottom. As well as the two knights who patrol close to the top of the stairs, there are two shielded grunts and a crossbowman on the lower stairs.

You probably don't want to risk losing health on your way to the boss, but you can bypass all of these enemies - and lose the pack trailing you from the lift on, if that's necessary. All you need to do is drop down onto a ledge on the side of the stairs, from the arches near where you fight (or run by) a crossbowman and grunt. From here you can either drop down on the stairs side and run past the three baddies down below while they slowly react to your presence, or use Spook and drop down on the side closest to your goal to sneak past them completely. They won't follow you into the boss arena.

However you get there, pass through the doors and into the ominously empty room at the bottom of the stairs. Approach the gates at the other end.

Vordt of the Boreal Valley

Once a knight now hideously transformed into a loyal hound of Lothric, Vordt is thickly armoured but moves on all fours. He uses swiping attacks and has a quick dash move which he'll use to put distance between you and spin to face you if you've gotten behind him, and a charge for when he ants to get in close. He also inflicts frostbite status, but unless the battle draws out this shouldn't be a problem.

For melee characters or quick-fire magic users, there’s a trick to this boss, and that is to stay as close to it as possible. You don’t need to be behind it; trying to assume the dragon-slaying position will usually send him dashing away. Just muscle on up like a rugby scrum against his face, shoulders and belly. You can take a swing at him here if you like, but make sure you’ve got plenty of stamina for when the real fun begins.

When he starts to wind up any move, roll forward; you’ll pass right under and behind him. Give him a whack (or two, if you're fast) and start again. If he dashes away, immediately sprint after him, aiming for one side so you can roll around the range of any attacks he sends your way as you approach. He has one long-distance attack, but it has a narrow hit zone so you should

In his second form, which triggers about halfway through his health bar, Vordt becomes a bit more deadly: he’s faster, and he inflicts frostbite much more quickly. He also has a new frost breath attack, which fortunately takes a very long time to wind up; unless you're on the other side of the arena, it provides a great opening to get behind him.

The same tactics apply for the second phase. If you’re nervous about successfully dodging Vordt's faster attacks, you can hold your shield up – just remember you need to drop it for your stamina to refill. You may want to equip armour with higher frost resistance, but if you finish the fight fast enough it won’t be a problem. Just be sure to always leave yourself stamina to guard and roll, of course.

If you struggle with this boss, try farming enemies along the walls for a while until you have enough Titanite Shards to reinforce your favourite weapon. You might also want to use an Ember to make yourself a little more hardy and to summon co-op assistance.

When Vordt is down, you'll receive his soul. Don't cash it in for currency; you'll have the chance to swap it for something more precious later.

Light the Vordt of the Boreal Valley bonfire then exit through those tempting gates. Assuming you’ve already visited the cathedral to receive the key item, approach the edge of the cliff and you’ll be prompted to raise your banner for a cutscene. After the short cutscene, activate the Foot of the High Wall bonfire.

Continue via Foot of the High Wall to Undead Settlement.

Back to Dark Souls 3 guide and walkthrough.
