Genshin Impact a Particularly Particular Author and Shirikoro Peak puzzle guide

The Genshin Impact Particularly Particular Author quest is a new world quest that takes you through almost everything Tsurumi Island has to offer, including the baffling Shirikoro Peak puzzle.

It’s a long quest, so make sure to set some time aside before getting started. You’ll want to bring a Pyro character and a good defender with you, and Thoma fits the bill perfectly if you're lucky enough to get him later.

Genshin Impact A Particularly Particular Author - How to get through the fog on Tsurumi Island

Downloading the 2.2 update adds Tsurumi Island to your map, but you can’t do much there just yet. You’ll need to pick up a new world quest first, though the game doesn’t tell you this.

Complete Reminiscence of Seirai first, then go back to the Guild in Inazuma City to get another world quest, A Particularly Particular Author.

Follow the prompts, and you’ll end up on Tsurumi Island. For now, it seems this is the only method of getting full access to the island. I tried exploring before picking up the quest and always ended up lost in the mist.

Head through the stone gate, and speak with Ruu. Your next task is collecting feathers from the Thunderbird Tree to help purify it for an upcoming ritual, though this first round is essentially a tutorial for the later quest. Follow the map markers to find each feather, and use your Elemental Sight if you get lost.

Genshin Impact A Particularly Particular Author - Find your way through the mist to make an offering Autake Plain

Head to the Autake Plain, the nearest misty spot, first. If the lanterns lining the path are purple, use Electro to activate them and keep from getting lost. Make sure you have a good defensive character in your party, such as Thoma, before touching the tree.

You’ll face several of the new Rifthound enemy as you search for this round of feathers. Using shields is the only way to block their Corrosion effect, an ailment that gradually depletes the party’s HP.

Genshin Impact Shirikoro Peak puzzle

The second tree is north of Oina Beach and has many more feathers to collect. Gather all the ones you can above ground, then guide the three Seelies near the tree back to their courts to lower the water level.

Drop down, deal with the Ruin Hunters, and solve the Electro relay puzzle. There’s a Ruin Guard on the other side of the door, so get ready before activating the mechanism.

The next room has several puzzles, but your first task is finding three more Seelies to drop the water level again.

Once that’s done, grab the relay stones from the newly drained gulley. You need to complete the two circuits on either side of the mechanism, but they’re separate from each other. In other words, don’t try and bridge the relay points in the middle.

The mechanism opens the door to the last feather, so grab that and head back to the tree.

Genshin Impact A Particularly Particular Author - Find your way through the mist to make an offering Chirai Shrine

The third tree is northeast of Oina Beach, and you get a reprieve from puzzles this time — in exchange for more combat. The feathers are close to the tree, but a swarm of Electro Whopperflowers hounds your movements at nearly every turn.

Your rewards for all this are, admittedly, a bit meager:

  • 50 Primogems
  • 450 Adventurer EXP
  • 5 Hero’s Wit
  • 5 Mystic Enhancement Ore
  • 50,000 Mora

If you're still catching up on Genshin Impact's Inazuma region, check out Tatara Tales, Sacred Sakura Cleansing, and the Amakumo Peak puzzle to get the most out of your time in the land of eternity. If you're tired of puzzling and need a break, cast your fishing line and get a shiny new polearmin the process
