A new Hideo Kojima horror game, called OVERDOSE, has been leaked

Hideo Kojima is no stranger to leaks, with his friend and peer, Norman Reedus, accidentally sharing that Death Stranding 2 is on the cards recently. Fortunately, this went down alright with Kojima, who subtly joked about the situation on Twitter. This time, however, it appears as though Kojima Productions may be less than pleased with the most recent leak.

In a recent report by Tom Henderson of Try Hard Guides, the journalist reported that he had seen footage of the game, which is said to be called OVERDOSE, and may star Margaret Qualley of Death Stranding once more. That being said, the new game will be an entirely separate IP to any of Kojima's prior adventures.

In the report, Henderson discusses the footage he has seen, which shows Margaret Qualley wandering a corridor. Towards the end of the gameplay clip that Henderson describes is a jumpscare, which is shortly followed by a classic 'GAME OVER' screen, and then 'A Hideo Kojima Game... OVERDOSE.'

While there is no confirmation as to whether the leak may actually be real, Kojima Productions have since reached out to ask that Henderson remove his report. He has denied the request, and while the report is currently down at the time of writing, it is due to be live again once it has been updated by Henderson. You can see what Henderson has to say about OVERDOSE here.

Kojima Productions are typically fans of secrecy when developing their games, revelling in the surprise of fans. Remember Phantom Pain? The game was revealed at the Video Game Awards in 2012, starring a character with a striking resemblance to Metal Gear Solid's Solid Snake. While it didn't take long for sleuths to work out that this was an elaborate reveal for a new MGS title, there was fun to be had in figuring things out.

With this in mind, I can imagine developers at Kojima Productions might not be so happy right now, but I'm sure they'll find a way to make any official reveals whimsical for their fans, either way.

While no leaks whatsoever are a trusted source of information, Tom Henderson does have a history of somewhat reliable leaks. It's just a matter of time before we see whether OVERDOSE really is Kojima Productions' latest venture.

In other news, horror game leaks seem to be coming thick and fast lately, and there's a lot of talk about the future of Silent Hill going on at the moment.
