Alien Isolation guide: mission 2

You've only just started. Mr Alien isn't going to kill himself.


Now you're done with the first mission, you'll need to get through the main door, find a way to distract the looters and reach the transit station.

Find Help

After you obtain your new objective, pop into the room next door for an outfit change, leaving your spacesuit in the aptly named spacesuit closet. Save at the Emergency Registration Space if you so wish, then move out to the corridor. Follow it down to the fiery hell pit, then look for an alternate route in the form of the ventilation shaft off to the left.

When you exit the shaft, a cutscene will trigger when you reach the hole in the floor ahead. Once this has finished, take a detour through through the luggage checkpoint, all the way to the end of the luggage carousel, to pick up some items. Now double back to the checkpoint and find the mechanism on the wall that will lower a ramp, allowing you to reach the ladder.

Scoot up here and grab the supply stash before leaving the room and heading up the stairs. Ignore the rooms for now as they’re not accessible yet. At the top of the stairs, take the map from the wall and attempt to exit the area via the shutter to prompt your next objective to appear.

Find a Way to Restore Power to the Shutters

There’s a control centre near Departures where you’ll find the 2000-KJVS Generator. Interact with it to restore power to the terminal. Read through the messages and restore the power to Departures. You’ll also find the code to unlock one of the rooms you passed by earlier (0340), so once you’re done here, head back and loot it immediately to pick up a Medikit Blueprint. The other 2 rooms are also now accessible so sweep those too, before moving out and heading through the shutter.

Make your way to the Spaceflight Terminal and up the stairs to the above platform, where you’ll spot the Torrens floating about outside. Time to make contact.

Contact the Torrens

Keep going and you’ll reach a flight of stairs heading down that will lead you to the Cred-Op Amusements arcade. Restore the power using the generator like the one back in the Control Centre, then leave the arcade and take the door to the left to enter Xing Xang Restaurant. Do a sweep of the room and use the Sevastolink terminal to glean a bit of background info on the goings-on at the station, then crawl back into the vents again which you can access behind the counter on the floor, to reach Baggage Claims.

Have Harold lend you a hand in clearing a path, then press forward until you reach a large door marked ‘42’. Your next objective is to get through it.

Get Through the Main Door

With the main door behind you, take the unlocked door along the left wall (there’s only one), and boot up the generator here. Head back to the main door and up the stairs to the left that lead to the Immigration and Security offices. Have a nose around these 2 rooms, then exit the Security Office, turn left and through the door into the next hallway. Check the room along here for anything you can add to your inventory before going back out and following the hallway to the Evidence Lock-Up at the end.

You’ll notice a corpse clutching a wrench just behind a fence and it looks mighty tantalising. Threre’s another vent in this area, so squeeze through, loot the body and crank the door open to leave once you’re finished up in here.

Before you complete the objective and use the Maintenance Jack on the main door, you might want to use it break in to the locked rooms to look for anything interesting. When you’re ready, open the main door.

Head to the Transit Link with Axel

Watch the cutscene unfold and simply follow Axel and his instructions to complete this objective.

Stay Close to Axel

Once you reach Axel’s hideout, your new objective is to be his shadow. Grab the torch and the batteries and let him lead the way to the vent.

Use Your Flashlight to Find the Vent Entrance

Another straightforward objective here, just use your torch, flash it over the vent entrance over in the left corner and pop through with Axel.

Find a Way to Distract the Looters

In the next area, sidle over to the cover with Axel and your objective will update to find a way to distract the looters. Move to the right and enter the room here to find a generator. Turn off the power and quickly enter the ventilation shaft via the floor hatch before the looters come in to investigate. After they leave, pop back out and get ready to get out of there.

Escape with Axel

Now that the looters have moved, run down the corridor they were initially standing next to and through the door. You can check the Sevastolink terminal here before moving on to the next room and your objective refreshes.

Hit the Power at the Same Time as Axel

Head back through the rooms you just passed through to reach the console that controls the power and follow the on-screen instructions. Job done.

Save Axel

Apparently Axel can’t be left unsupervised, so get back to him pronto and dispatch the looter that’s attacking him. This doesn’t go down well with the rest of the posse and they’ll all descend on the pair of you.

Escape with Axel (again)

Run after Axel like your life depended on it until the cutscene kicks in.

Reach the Transit Station

Head down the corridor to the right of the large vent splattered with blood and follow it to the Towerlink Transit System. In the right corner of the room is a button that will call the transit so run over, press this and wait for your ride. As soon as it arrives, jump on and mash the button for Lorenz Systech Spire to escape.

Head back to our Alien Isolation guide for the rest of the walkthrough.
