Thief Walkthrough: crack all 12 safes with these combinations and tips

To find many of the rare items in Thief you'll need to do a lot of exploration. If that seems like too much of a chore we've cracked them for you. Read on for techniques and the combinations to all 12 safes.


Safe 01 - Chapter 1: Lockdown - Serendi Jeweler's Cellar

You'll need to head into this jeweler's shop as part of the main story, so finding this safe should be no problem. Creep into the basement and deal with the jeweler either by knocking him out or distracting him and grab a document on his workstation called Lyegrove's Letter. Head to the southwest corner and find the safe behind a painting. The combination is 7-3-9.

Reward: Unique Loot (2/9) - Lyegrove's Jeweled Mask.

Safe 02 - Side Job: Beauty Within - Miss Scarlett's Town House

You need to do the Basso's Beauty Within side job to get this safe, located in The City. Head to the Clock Tower Plaza and Miss Scarlett's Town House near the Bookbinders. Miss Scarlet is catching Zs but her old man can be a bit of a pest, so blackjack the old fella and head to main floor where you'll find the safe on the south wall. The combination is 8-2-4 which you can find in the cabinet on the north wall.

Reward: Miss Scarlett's Hand Mirror

Safe 03 - Chapter 2: Dust to Dust - Workshop

Easy stuff - the safe is inside the workshop but the combination is spread out. You'll find one number on the back of the mechanical arm, the second on the mechanical skill on the chair. The third number is just a case of trial and error until the lock pops. Or just enter 3-1-4. Bingo.

Reward: Unique Loot (3/9) - Soul of the Automaton.

Safe 04 - The City - Sick Willy's Stash

This safe isn't part of the main game or side mission. Head south to Baron's Way South and look for a ladder that you'll need to lower by shooting a blunt arrow at it. Climb up and prise open a closed window (ignore the open window). The combination is on the newspaper - it's the day's date, 8-4-2.

Reward: Earrings and a necklace (no collectables).

Safe 05 - Chapter 3: Dirty Secrets - Madam Xiao-Xiao's Private Chamber

Another in-game story find, the safe is in Madam Xiao-Xiao's private chamber. The combiation is found in documents dotted around the brothel. It's 5-7-3.

Reward: Pocket watch and necklace (no collectables)

Safe 06 - Chapter 4: A Friend in Need - The Keep

You can't progress the story without opening this safe and the combination is found earlier in the chapter inside the architect's study. The Great Safe is inside the keep in the safe chamber (the name gives it away). Reset the lock mechanism by pressing on one side of the safe and quickly doing the same on the other side. The combination is 3-1-9 on the left and 0-1-8 on the right.

Reward: Story progress.

Safe 07 - Chapter 5: The Forsaken - Room 3E

Another area that needs visiting in order to progress the chapter, but the room where the safe hides is optional. Inside the asylum you need the treatment level and while there turn the generator to investigate the different rooms. Room 3E has a safe on the wall and you should have found the combination on a note earlier in the chapter. It's 7-3-1.

Reward: Serendi Stone Circles (5/7) - Ivory Circle.

Safe 08 - Side Job: Check Mate - Mourningside

Start Basso's Check Mate side job and head to the Shady Merchant where you'll see two people hanging around near a brazier. Step up on the crates and pry open a window into Archie Maxwell's house. Head to the basement avoiding Archie. Look out for traps and the safe is on the wall with the combination 7-7-6.

Reward: Complete Basso's Check Mate side job, chess piece.

Safe 09 - Chapter 6: A Man Apart - East Lounge

The combination can be obtained by a guard in the library. Head to the first floor of Baron's Mansion and look out for the two guards patrolling the area - blackjack them fools - and open the safe with the combination 8-8-9.

Reward: Serendi Stone Circles (6/7) - Sapphire Circle.

Safe 10 - Chapter 6: A Man Apart - West Hall

You'll witness a Graven killing a guard and you'll find the safe in the room being guarded. Knock that chump out and enter the combination 0-1-7.

Reward: Loot (no collectables).

Safe 11 - Chapter 7: The Hidden City - Loading Docks Interior

Another area you have to pass through in order to progress the story of the game. After the elevator ride look for the guard walking a path that takes him in and out of a tunnel. The safe is in that tunnel. The combination is discovered later in the chapter so if you don't want to backtrack enter 6-7-3.

Reward: Bonds worth 20 G.

Safe 12 - Client Job 4: The Carnal Connoisseur - Wine Cellar

Accept the client job Carnal Connoisseur, offered by Vittori. Head to the wine cellar, where the safe is stashed behind a painting. The combination is found in two documents in the mission. The combination is 8-1-2 which will open a hidden door.

Reward: Client Loot (7/8) - Octopuss.

Head back to our complete Thief walkthrough.
